How much does it cost?
I don’t do an hourly rate as I prefer to be self motivated, that way, you only pay for what you get.
Prices are between $500 and $600 per thousand board feet, depending on a few factors.
I have a $400 minimum for small, local jobs.
Out of town jobs will be billed a $.75 per km travel fee.
If the mill needs to be moved from one log pile to another, it’s $50 per move.
There is also a $50 blade fee if any foreign material in a log
(such as nails or rocks) damages a blade.
What is a board foot?
A board foot is simply a square foot of wood one inch thick.
For example, a 2×6 one foot long is one board foot.
What about building codes?
A mobile lumber grader can inspect and grade stamp your lumber so that it can be used in accordance with local building codes.
I would be happy to pass his contact info to you.
How long can the mill cut?
The mill can cut up to 21’ and up to 36” in diameter.
Any logs larger than that will need to be quartered with a chainsaw
first, then put on the mill for further cutting.
On the small end, anything less than 6’ long or 6” in diameter is usually not worth cutting unless it has sentimental or artistic value.
I too am a lover of wood and hate to waste any!
How do you get the logs onto the mill?
The mill has a hydraulic loader which lifts logs from the ground.
What does a 1000 board feet of lumber look like?
Imagine a stack of wood 10’ long, 3’ wide and 3’ high.
How long does it take to cut?
Depending on many factors, I can cut between 1000-2000 board feet per day.
How much lumber will my logs yield?
Measure the small end of the log, (14”)
Measure the length of the log (10’)
Read corresponding board foot volume (80)

These figures are based on a ¼” blade kerf.
With the woodmizers thin blade technology your
yields will be higher than average.
How many board feet are in my lumber?
These figures are based on a ¼” blade kerf.
With the woodmizers thin blade technology your yields will be higher than average.

Contact me at any time
for further information.
My email address is